The first tests for newborn
Newborn subject in his early days to a series of medical tests to make sure the integrity of such leave the hospital.
Examination of the head:
Head circumference should be between 33-37 cm.
The joints of the bones of the skull must be soft make way in front of the natural growth of the brain, which grows quickly and more bones.
Fontanelle area, if a large area of this evidence delayed the growth of the bones of the head if the defect in the gland secretions.
Examination of the eye:
We are careful examination for any bleeding inside the eye, the size of the pupil, the equal volume of the two pupil if he look straight.
Make sure the response of the pupil with light.
Make sure there are no blue water.
Examination of the ear:
Focus examination to respond to external stimuli, as it sometimes appears to have problems in this regard.
Examination of the respiratory system and the heart:
Child must be color floral tilted to flush, which gives a good impression on his heart and lungs, while the blue of the limbs go away after a few days.
Respiratory pattern must be between 40-60 times per minute, and if accompanied by laws or whistling This indicates a problem.
Heart rate should be between 120-160 per minute.
But if we notice cyanosis in skin color, then look for a problem in the heart or lungs.
Examination of the abdomen:
Abdominal muscles incomplete allow us to feel all members and seamlessly to the touch from the liver to the stomach and pancreas.
Check the navel:
Then check to make sure that the condition is good, or that it was an infection.
Examination of the spine:
We might first thorough examination of the upper body section.
And in very rare cases, we find a very small hole at the bottom of the head. If they do not pay attention to his presence could lead to inflammation in the brain membrane.
Examination of the kidneys and urinary tract:
We can easily feel the kidneys, either urinary tract and genital we might have external examination to confirm the presence of the testicles and the urethra in the right places if the baby is a boy.
But if it was a girl from the natural presence of some swelling in the genital or some vaginal secretions.
Examination of the hip:
If healthy or suffering from a dislocated what.
Examination of the skin:
Color is rosy.
But if this money to yellowing evidence of jaundice), or we may find some white pimples, which indicates the beginning of inflammation.
Examination of the lower section:
We may find some tumors that need to be clarified or amount of thick hair in one place.
Examination of nerves:
Examine the balance of the child to know if he moves his hands and both respond with external stimuli.
Examination of the joints and parties:
Feet snakes may be towards the inside or the outside, and this goes back to the status of the child within the womb and heal on their own, and we may find that the curvature of the leg bone.
Thorough examination of each member:
The first idea on the status of the baby is composed by considering and make sure there are no external deformities and through hearing, crying out loud is good either alanine indicates the existence of a problem.
Examination, which is subject to a baby in the delivery room, followed by the doctor checks more accurate in the subsequent three days, down to the day you leave the hospital, and when you note any damage on the little baby doctor about problems accompanied the pregnancy or medicine dealt with the mother or difficulties during childbirth looking.
That some of the distortions and if by a small percentage may be found when the baby from the first moment, including:
Heart problems, in the abdomen, hip, lip bunny, and deformation
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